The Business Group Salford
The Business Group Salford (formerly the Chapel Street Business Group) was formed in 1999 by local business owners and managers to create a much needed business network and community voice. The service provided to new, emerging and established businesses has long been acknowledged as an important part of the City of Salford’s business support infrastructure.
The Business Group’s members include sole traders, limited companies, partnerships, charities, community organisations, co-operatives, social enterprises, public sector partners, further and higher education institutions and PLCs with turnovers ranging from less than £4k a year to those exceeding £0.5bn.
Membership is free. To join our network of almost 1000 local businesses simply email or sign-up here.
We founded the Salford Business Awards and continue to be a managing partner alongside the University of Salford and Salford City Council and we’re also a partner on a number of European research projects including Eliemental which aims to develop a new qualification in enterprise education that people can study in their own community and which will equip them with the knowledge and skills to overcome barriers to enterprise. We’re also involved in DEPICT, investigating key aspects of employability in creative and cultural SMEs.
We have successfully managed programmes like Community Enterprise in Broughton, a Big Lottery funded project aiming to stimulate and encourage interaction between businesses, community groups and local residents to enable individuals from one of the UK’s most deprived neighbourhoods to become economically active and more enterprising in their everyday activities.
Working with universities and business partners in Finland, Poland, Greece and the UK we supported the development of a tool-kit for no-investment or low-investment enterprise as part of a project developing new methods of giving people the capabilities and skills to start up their own business if they emigrate from their country of birth.
Our support to local organisations ranges from brokerage/sign-posting, seminars and workshops, newsletters and promotional opportunities through to advice on business planning, funding and finance, legal support and mentoring and is all provided by businesses for businesses. We have a strong board made up of local business owners and public sector staff and two volunteer committees for marketing and fundraising.
Get in touch to find out how you can get involved.